Tattoos  Quilts   |   Ceramics    


What to do
➢ Wash your hands with antibacterial soap (no bar soap) before touching/cleaning/or handling your tattoo.
➢ A Tegaderm bandage may be left on for the first 2-5 days. After it is removed, proceed with the normal washing and moisturizing regimen.
➢ If a normal bandage was used, leave it on for at least 2 hours. The bandage can be left on overnight.
➢ Remove the bandage with warm water and dab dry with a clean paper towel.
➢ Wash the tattoo 2 times a day with a watered-down mild antibacterial soap from a dispenser (no bar soap).
➢ After washing, apply a thin layer of ointment (Aquaphor) for the first 2-3 days.
➢ You may substitute Aquaphor for a thin layer of unscented lotion (Lubriderm or something similar). Make sure this lotion is NOT fast-healing.

What not to do
➢ Avoid direct sunlight. If you must go in the sun, use a high SPF sunscreen on your tattoo.
➢ Avoid heavy sweating in or around the area of your tattoo for at least two weeks.
➢ Do not pick, itch or scratch the tattoo throughout the healing process. This can lead to infection and scarring.
➢ Do not use a tanning bed for at least a month.
➢ Do not soak in any water or body of water (hot-tub, bathtub, pool, lake, river, ocean) for at least a month.
➢ Do not let your tattoo stick to sheets or clothing. In case of getting stuck, soak the cloth where it is stuck to the tattoo in warm water and wash your hands and tattoo.

➢ The tattoo and surrounding area to remain slightly swollen and red for a week.
➢ Ink may seep to the surface (this can be wiped off with a clean paper towel).
➢ A thin scab will form over the entire tattoo and should peel similar to a healing sunburn. (Do not pick at this scab.)
➢ Your tattoo should be fully healed in one month.

Email me if you have any questions or concerns.

© Matty DeVita 2024